Learn Python: Beginner’s Guide to Coding 2024

Python is growing fast as a programming language. It’s great for anyone new to coding. This guide will teach you Python basics quickly, in just hours, not weeks. You’ll learn what Python is, its uses, and why it’s perfect for beginners.

Learn Python: Beginner's Guide to Coding

Key Takeaways

  • Python is a popular and widely used programming language.
  • It is beginner-friendly and has a wide range of applications.
  • Python is an interpreted, semantically dynamic, object-oriented, and high-level language.
  • Python runs on various platforms, including Mac, Linux, and Windows.
  • The Python community is collaborative and inclusive, encouraging participation from programmers of all levels.

Introduction to Python

Python is a versatile and powerful programming language. It has become very popular in recent years. It was created in 1991 by Guido van Rossum in the Netherlands. Python was made to be easy for non-programmers to use, making it great for both newbies and seasoned developers.

What is Python?

Python is an interpreted, semantically dynamic, object-oriented, and high-level programming language. It works on many platforms like Mac, Linux, and Windows. It’s known for being simple, easy to read, and straightforward to use. The goal was to make it easy for anyone to use, and Python has achieved this, becoming popular in many areas.

Applications of Python

Python is used in many fields because of its versatility. Here are some areas where Python shines:

  • Web development: Frameworks like Django and Flask are used to build web apps.
  • Data analysis and machine learning: Libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and Scikit-learn make Python a top choice for data projects.
  • Scripting and automation: Python is great for writing scripts and automating tasks because it’s simple and easy to use.
  • Artificial intelligence and natural language processing: Libraries like TensorFlow, Keras, and NLTK are used in AI and NLP.
  • Game development: Python can be used to make simple games and prototypes with libraries like Pygame and Pyglet.

Python’s versatility, ease of use, and vast library support make it a favorite for many applications. It’s used in system scripting, web development, data analysis, and artificial intelligence.

Video Credit : Programming with Mosh

Installing Python 3

Starting with Python 3 is easy, even if you’re new to programming. You can install it on Windows, macOS, or Linux in just a few steps. It’s a simple process.

Installing Python 3 on Windows

Windows users can easily install Python 3 by downloading the official installer from Python.org. This installer will help you set up Python and add it to your system’s PATH. You can also use the Microsoft Store for a simpler installation, perfect for beginners.

Installing Python 3 on macOS

Mac users are lucky because Python 3 comes pre-installed on most modern macOS versions. But, if you need to update or install a specific version of Python 3, use Homebrew or download Miniconda from the official site.

Installing Python 3 on Linux

Linux users have different installation methods for Python 3 depending on their distribution. You can use your distribution’s package manager, like apt or yum, to install the latest Python 3. Or, download Miniconda for more tools and libraries for data science and machine learning.

Make sure to install the latest version of Python 3 since Python 2 support ended in 2020. By following this guide, you’ll set up your Python 3 environment and start your programming journey.

Running Python Code

Python is a versatile programming language. It can be executed in various ways. This meets the needs of developers at all levels.

Knowing how to run Python code can make your workflow better. It also improves your coding experience.

Using the Python Console

The Python console is great for quick tasks or experiments. To open it, type python3 in your terminal or command prompt. This gives you a Python prompt to enter and run python commands.

The console is perfect for testing small code snippets. It’s also good for trying out new ideas or exploring Python’s features.

Running Python Files

For complex programs, save your python code in a file with a .py extension. Then, execute the python script. To do this, open your terminal or command prompt, go to the file’s directory, and type python3 filename.py.

This method is better for running bigger programs. It helps automate tasks and develop larger applications.

MethodEfficiencyRecommended Use Cases
Python ConsoleHigh for simple tasksExperimentation, testing code snippets, quick calculations
Running Python FilesHigh for complex programsExecuting scripts, automating tasks, developing larger applications

Learning both the Python console and running python files is key. It prepares you to handle a variety of programming challenges.

Learn Python: Beginner's Guide to Coding

Syntax and Structure

Python is known for its simple and easy-to-understand python syntax. It doesn’t use semicolons to mark the end of a line. Instead, Python structure uses indentation to show where code blocks start and end.

Indentation makes Python code easy to read. It uses whitespace to show the program’s structure. Python also cares about the case of letters, so “name” and “Name” are different.


To add python comments, use the hash symbol “#” to explain your code. It’s a great way to make your code clear for others or for yourself later. For longer comments, start each line with a hash symbol.

Python SyntaxDescription
IndentationPython uses indentation to define the scope of code blocks, where the whitespace at the beginning of each line holds significant meaning.
Case-sensitivityPython is case-sensitive, so variables like “name” and “Name” are treated as distinct entities.
Single-line commentsTo add comments in Python, you can use the hash symbol “#” to explain what your code is doing.
Multiline commentsFor longer explanations, you can use multiline comments by placing a hash symbol at the beginning of each line.

Learning about python syntax and python structure helps you write better Python code. Paying attention to python indentation and python comments is key.

Learn Python: Beginner's Guide to Coding

How to Python

Variables and Data Types

Variables are key in programming, storing and handling data. In Python, making a variable is easy – just use the “=” symbol to assign a value to a name. Python doesn’t need you to say what type of data a variable holds. It figures it out itself based on what you give it.

Python has many data types, like numbers (integers, floats, and complex numbers), strings, booleans, and more. These types help represent different kinds of information, from numbers to text. Knowing how to use python variables and python data types is crucial for any Python programmer.

Operators and Expressions

After learning about variables, it’s time to get into Python’s operators and expressions. Operators are symbols for doing math and logical stuff, like adding or multiplying. Expressions mix variables, numbers, and operators to get a single value.

Python has a wide range of python operators and python expressions for working with data. You can do simple math or more complex stuff like logical and bitwise operations. Python’s operators help you make powerful and flexible programs.

+Additionx + y
Subtractionx – y
*Multiplicationx * y
/Divisionx / y
//Floor Divisionx // y
%Modulox % y
Exponentiationx y

With a good grasp of python variables, python data types, python operators, and python expressions, you’re set to become a skilled Python programmer. These basics are the foundation for making more advanced programs.

Control Flow and Loops

Python has strong control flow tools for making programs more dynamic. It includes conditional statements and iterative statements. These are key for creating solid apps.

Conditional Statements

The if-else statement in Python lets you make choices based on conditions. You can also use elif for more conditions. Python’s statements are flexible, letting you mix boolean and comparison operators for detailed checks.

  • Python introduced Structural Pattern Matching (Switch-Case statements) in version 3.10, through PEP 622.
  • The ternary conditional operator makes it easy to do conditional assignments.

Iterative Statements

Python’s iterative statements, like while and for loops, let you run code over and over. The range() function is often used with for loops to go through a series of numbers.

  1. The while statement keeps running code as long as a condition is true.
  2. The break statement lets you stop a loop right away. The continue statement skips the current step and goes to the next one.
  3. Python’s for loop is great for going through items in a list or string.

These tools are crucial for making Python apps powerful and adaptable. Learning about conditional and iterative statements will boost your Python skills.


In this guide, you’ve learned the basics of python programming. You know how to install it and understand its syntax. You’ve also seen how Python is used in different ways.

You’ve learned about variables, data types, operators, and control flow. Now, you’re ready to start making your own programs. This is just the beginning of your python learning journey.

Python is a powerful tool that can lead to many opportunities. As you continue, explore Python’s vast library and stay updated with trends. Join the Python community to learn more.

Remember, the journey to becoming a skilled Python programmer is exciting. Keep practicing and learning. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or seek out resources.

The future looks bright for Python programmers. With dedication and a love for learning, you’ll go far. Keep up the good work and enjoy the journey.


What is Python?

Python is a popular programming language. It was made in 1990 by Guido van Rossum in Holland. He wanted it to be easy for non-programmers to use.

What are the applications of Python?

Python is great for many things. You can use it for system scripting, data analysis, web development, and machine learning.

How do I install Python 3?

If you have a Mac or Linux, Python is already there. But Windows doesn’t have it by default. To install Python 3 on Windows, visit Python.org, download the latest version, and follow the instructions.

On Mac, use Homebrew to install Python 3. For Linux, use apt or yum, depending on your system.

How do I run Python code?

You can run Python code in the terminal or save it in a .py file. The Python console is good for simple tasks. For more complex programs, run the .py file.

What is the syntax and structure of Python?

Python’s syntax is clean and easy. It doesn’t need semicolons to end lines. Instead, it uses indentation to show scope.

Python is case-sensitive. This means “name” and “Name” are different. Use “#” for comments. For multiline comments, start each line with a “#”.

How do I work with variables and data types in Python?

Creating variables in Python is simple. Just assign a value with the “=” symbol. Python doesn’t need you to say what type of variable it is.

It supports many data types, like numbers and strings. You can do math and logic with these using Python’s operators and expressions.

What are the control flow structures in Python?

Python has control flow structures for complex programs. “If-else” and “elif” statements let you make choices. “While” and “for” loops repeat code.

These are key for making Python programs robust and feature-rich.

Alex Carter
Alex Carter is a cybersecurity enthusiast and Python developer with over a decade of experience in the tech industry. With a background in network security and software development, Alex combines technical expertise with a passion for teaching. Through engaging content and hands-on tutorials, Alex aims to demystify complex cybersecurity concepts and empower readers to harness the power of Python in their security endeavors. When not coding or writing, Alex enjoys exploring the latest tech trends and contributing to open-source projects.